
nginx directory listings cors
nginx can generate directory listings, let’s use them from anywhere with CORS
blog and static site generation
A quick story on how I felt in love with static site generation
gradle calling npm
A quick gradle showoff - automate npm build in 5 seconds without any plugins.
a short rant on recruitment processes
a short rant on recruitment processes I haven’t rant on recruitment processes yet; but, here we go. Here’s a list of questions I would like to go through silently during an interview. what value he can bring to the team? what other competences the candidate possesses, which can help my team can he work on complex problems? how much mentoring does he need to start the job? can he communicate freely?
ssh bulk initialize authorized keys on spawned VMs
authorized keys bulk set up This is a simple bash one-liner distributing local public key to authorized_keys on multiple target machines. While using SSH to access remote (virtual) machines, it’s great to use keys instead of passwords. I often receive a long list of newly created machines. It is hard to track all passwords on the new machines, so I prefer to switch to keys the first day I start using them.
ssh host id: connect to a unknown host
ssh host id A quick tip to make your ssh not complain with messages like this one: WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED!. SSH can use the same public and private key pairs and the same cryptography functions as used in TLS/PKI; but, usually it does not (this is OpenSSH, there are exceptions out there). The lack of PKI results in no generic way to verify server identity and prevent man in middle type of attacks.
java classpath separation part 2
java classpath separation part 2 A demo project for classpath (classloader) separation for plain java. This is a continuation of part 1, where I have briefly described the concept. about the demo The demo consists of two projects: ClazzLoad, and additional internal one Separated. Both are build with a single gradle build script. The latter project has a simple dependency on a jar library, which is not compatible with the main project.
java classpath separation part 1
java classpath separation part 1 Setting up a project for classpath (classloader) separation for plain java. This is a short evaluation on how easy classpath separation can be achived without use of any 3rd party libraries. Classpath separation allows you to use libraries (jar files) which are incompatible and can’t be used simultanously. rapid introduction to classloading Java classloader load classes (duh) and resources (e.g. .properties). Classes may come from files (.