git cheatsheet vol 1
Here are a few one-liners to start working with GIT.
(for people who know what they want to do, but don’t know how - SVN users?)
working with remote repository
Clone (copy) a GIT repository from a remote:
git clone http://...
Update repository from a remote:
git pull
Push local branch to remote:
git push -u origin [branchname]
To list remote branches:
git branch -r # remote
git branch -a # all
working with local repository and general
Instead of cloning a remote repository we can create a new one in the current directory:
git init .
git add [files]+
git add .gitignore # optionalally add file holding a list of ignored (unversioned) files
git commit .
The whole repository is stored in the .git
To check status (current branch, changes)
git status
To add files to staging (changes ready to be committed):
git add [files]+
To commit changes:
git commit
git commit -m [commit message] # to avoid getting a editor prompt for the message
To change message (or add files) of the last commit:
git commit --amend
To see the list of (local) branches:
git branch
To create a new branch based on current (checked-out) branch:
git branch [branchname]
To checkout an existing branch (this will get the data from .git
directory and put them in the repository root directory):
git checkout branchname
To remove a branch:
git branch -d branchname # checks if branch has been merged
git branch -D branchname # this forces the removal
To get a diff (list of changes):
git diff HEAD
git diff origin/HEAD # against the remote repository
Diff against staged (commited, but not pushed) items:
git diff --cached