gradle calling npm
A quick gradle showoff - automate npm build in 5 seconds without any plugins.
invoke npm
The following code (in build.gradle
) will extend compilation phase with a call to npm.
group 'net.siuda'
version '1.0-SNAPSHOT'
task compile << {
println 'Calling npm update'
exec {
executable 'npm'
args 'update'
println 'Calling npm build'
exec {
executable 'npm'
args 'run','build'
This a quick way to integrate npm build (angular, react.js or any other cool frontend code) with java project.
The call to npm update
helps keeping the local node_modules
excluded from the VCS (git, SVN). If the directory is empty, all artifacts will be downloaded by npm before the build.
Why I call it a showoff? Because it proves how versatile gradle is, maven setup will definitely take more then 10 lines…